JoJo and Friends
Friday, 29 June 2012
I'm definitely no pro cake maker, but I do enjoy making cakes for the kids birthdays. Even if they don't look like I imagined they would in my head!
I made this one this morning for Kate, who turned 11 on Tuesday. We're all off horse trekking tomorrow to celebrate!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
New linen
There is probably nothing I love more than new linen. I'm forever buying new sheets and doona covers, even if I don't need them! Love love love it!
Today I actually did need a few things though, a set of flannelette sheets for each of the kids, new doona and doona cover for Ruby (for her new bed), and a matress protector. She wanted a Minnie Mouse cover but I couldn't find one today. I'll keep looking!
Monday, 11 June 2012
Storms and new furniture
Wild weather here in Perth!! The big storm over the weekend saw us without power for 21 hours. I couldn't even leave the house as my car was in the garage and the thing to pull it up manually was broken! So a very boring weekend without technology! We had wild wind and lost a couple of our patio chairs and the kids sandpit was ruined, other than that we didn't have much damage.
When the power was back on Ruby's grandparents came over with some new furniture for us! Friends of theirs are moving to Canada and gave everything away! So we scored well. A new bed for Ruby (we've been wanting to downgrade her to a single for awhile to make more space in her room), table and chairs, 2 bedside tables and a cabinet. I do love new furniture!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Cats and collections
I'm pretty slack at this blogging thing! I actually have heaps to write about but never seem to find the energy! Both Ruby and I have colds, and I've been watching a lot of TV lately and spent not a lot of time on the net.
Anyway, meet Irene! Irene wandered into my house last Monday morning and hasn't left! I actually found her curled up in my bed! Not every day that you find a lovely and friendly cat in your bed! I took her down to the vet to see if she belonged to anyway, but she's unfortunately unchipped and unsterilised. I couldn't put the poor thing back outside to go and get pregnant and create more unwanted cats, so she's staying with us for the time being. I've put up ads all over the place, but I unfortunately cannot keep her much longer, so if no one comes forward soon I'll have to find her a new home. Such a shame as she really is so lovely, but Brendan doesn't want anymore cats in the house.
In other news, the Gomu craze has hit hard here! Gomu's are collectable erasers. Ruby got a few for Christmas but has only recently started collecting more. She chose to get some each week instead of pocket money for doing her chores. They're currently on clearance at Kmart (before series 4 is released) for $2 for a 6pk! Bargain! She's also saved $20 from various things and it's planning on spending it all on more Gomu! She's going to need another tin I think!
Friday, 25 May 2012
Keeping warm on cold nights
Winter is definitely approaching and fast! It got down to 3 degrees last night and the same is predicted again for tonight. It's not even June yet!
Anyway, Jonah has been coming into my bed with me in the wee hours of the morning. I assume because he's cold. I've been waking a couple of times a night feeling cold too, but I'm obviously capable of pulling my doona up and turning my electric blanket on! I already have Ruby sleeping in my bed at the moment (shes going through a phase of not wanting to sleep by herself) so being squashed between two starfish children all night makes one very cranky and sore mummy in the morning! I grabbed a couple of pairs of fleecy all in one PJ's for Jonah in the target 40% off sale a few days ago, and some long sleeved singlets. Didn't make a difference! So here is my last ditch effort before I think about putting some kind of heating in his room. A 2.5tog bubbaroo sleeping bag. $85 and he hates it! LOL! All I've heard today is "I don't like that and I'm NOT wearing it!" Wish us luck, we haven't had a heater in his room for the last two winters after we received a $600 power bill - so really don't want to have to go down that route!
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Meet my new cleaning lady
I've been lusting after one of these FOREVER. We have a bit of spare cash at the moment after we finally got around to doing our 10/11 tax returns, so I bit the bullet and bought one. She is AMAZING. And much more powerful than I expected! She had the living room looking spotless within minutes, and I didn't have to lift a finger!
Kicking myself for not getting one sooner!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Muffin tin Monday (on a Tuesday)
I can't take credit for this idea, I stole it off Mum's blog, and I'm pretty sure she stole it off someone elses!
I always have trouble getting the kids to eat enough fruit and veg (as most parents do!) and thought this was a fantastic idea for an after school snack.
We have carrot sticks, red and green capsicum, rice crackers, cream cheese dip, bananas, apples, frozen peas and frozen blueberries.
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